Characters > Bridget's Profile

BRIDGET REED (née MANN) is Clive’s ex-wife. Vicious, vindictive, sadistic, status conscious and under it all probably quite insecure Bridget made Clive’s life a misery for most of the history of the strip. She seemingly never tired of inflicting humiliations and indignities on him in her frustrated quest for the social status that his career never quite delivered. In one running joke Clive is always inviting Bridget away on romantic weekends away in Paris or Rome in the hope that she won’t find out that there is a rugby match there that he has tickets for. She always does.
In 2013 Bridget unexpectedly gave birth to twins. This brief moment of domestic bliss was short-lived though. She subsequently left Clive for his boss Cyrus. Who knows how long this unlikely relationship will continue?